West Walk


Hi Everyone,

I started writing this blog to get back into writing and storytelling. I’ve always wanted to write a novel and I’ve been waiting for inspiration to strike so that I could get to work. It took a few months and now here I am with an idea buzzing in my head and I’m desperate to get cracking. This will be the first time I have ever attempted to write a novel and I’m sure I’ll learn a lot, I feel the story is worth telling and has real originality in the concept.

I don’t want to give too much away here but I will aim to keep you all posted and provide the occasional excerpt. I’m currently working on developing the characters, main themes and plot lines that my story will focus upon. I can let you know now that the title will be ‘West Walk’ and as yet I’m undecided whether I will write under my real name or continue to assume my alias of Elena.

The title comes from a solitary walk I often take from my home here in West London down to Ealing Broadway, one recent fog-filled morning I arrived at West Walk and the walkway should have looked eerie and sinister in the dark fog, as I couldn’t see much further than beyond my nose. Instead I found it to be enchanting and serene, by the time I had reached the other end of the walkway I had my story. By the time I reached the station I was ready to sit down and write, with only my mobile phone to hand I hastily noted down my idea with a very real fear that I would forget the plot by the time I could get home and begin to write.

However I couldn’t forget this story if I wanted to, it will plague my every thought until I see it in print. West Walk will be a contemporary romantic fiction, the story will focus on the importance of pivotal life decisions and examine exactly how it would feel to have your ‘What if’s?’ answered, I want to take you on an emotional journey filled with love, laughter, unexpected revelations and a very unconventional perspective on grieving for a life you never even imagined.

I’m keen to hear from anyone who has experience of writing a novel, the publishing process and of course I heartily welcome any hints and tips. I’m sure over the coming months I will need help with my motivation, dialogue and from time to time perhaps even writers block. I apologise now if I lose focus on my blog, I’ll still try to write around 4 to 5 times a week unless life gets in the way. By life, I mean vodka, dancing, women and jet-setting off around the world.

This is step one in my motivational tactics… tell the world I’m writing then I will feel duty-bound to do so, after all, I wouldn’t lie to you.

Wish me luck!

P.S. As Promised here is the first excerpt from my upcoming novel, I’m beginning to struggle with actually finding time to sit down and get the story out but I’m making progress slowly but surely.

West Walk: Excerpt

3 thoughts on “West Walk

    • I have an idea of what I think I want, but we can bounce some ideas off each other you might have an amazing idea I haven’t even thought of yet

  1. You already have the most important ingredient…an idea buzzing around in your head that won’t let you go until it’s written. Sounds like you’ve got the right start….characters, plot, themes, but don’t get hung up on creating those. Write the story from beginning to end while you’re excited about it. It will be a ROUGH draft, but that’s okay. After the ideas are on paper, flesh out or change the characters and plot. You have the talent. Stay with it. Good luck.

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